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A personal post about my latest experience in the Redwoods and this is also me manifesting a couple booking me for an elopement here. I absolutely adore these old mother trees and the history + time they hold. They have seen more than we ever will in our lifetime and that is truly beautiful. Not to mention they are home to some of the cutest + most interesting mushrooms.

A little tip about the Redwoods, 90% of the trails don't allow dogs. We sadly learned this the hard way and weren't able to do as much as planned, but we had a great time regardless! We were auntie Mo and Uncle Kae for the day with my sister's ADORABLE doggo Waylon J.

New life on a life once lived --

My personal favorite find while exploring, an old Redwood that had fallen years before and a new tree happily using it as it's home. It is so nice to see how the forest naturally regenerates itself. I think there is a lot to learn and respect about the life of the forest. It breathes, it moves, it grows, it learns, and it adapts. Lately I have been really intrigued about the relationship of the forest with time. I think one thing humans have really forgotten lately is our connection with nature and that we should save and respect it.

Nature's Texture --

Lately I have been exploring the colors and texture of nature and how to incorporate that back into my art. As a side hobby, I enjoy painting and have been recently working on a forest scene with a cottage in the woods. The Redwoods adventure definitely gave me a ton of inspiration for the final details of my painting. Enjoy this little detail photo of the moss engrossing this old tree and the plants living symbiotically beside the trunk.

Okay that's all for now, enjoy the rest of the images from my quick journey to the woods.


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